Wilcox Abereton & Co is a leading oil and gas law firm in Nigeria offering legal services and advisory to companies on all aspects of oil & gas industry in Nigeria. The firm has advised various companies on matters such as licensing, permits and approvals in oil sectors.
Our Oil & Gas law practice encapsulates the 3 streams of Oil & Gas business which are:
- Upstream
- Midstream
- Downstream.
Whether the business of our clients is in Exploration and Production (E & P), or Producing, storing and marketing of produced oil & gas or marketing and distribution of refined products, we can offer important advice, reviewing and drafting of any necessary contracts and also interfacing with regulatory authorities to obtain necessary permits or licenses.
Specific Oil & Gas Law Areas we specialize in:
- Exploration & Production of Oil & Gas
- Joint Ventures
- Petroleum industry advisory
- Advising on various Oil & Gas transactions
- Interfacing with regulatory authorities in obtaining Oil Prospecting License, Oil Mining Lease and other requisite permits
- Oil Mining Lease
- Transporting & Marking of crude oil
- Refining of crude oil
- Importation of refined petroleum products
- Natural gas
- Drafting and negotiation of Oil & Gas industry agreements
- Drafting and reviewing of various Oil & Gas contracts
- Arbitration and negotiation on behalf of clients
- Petroleum Industry Litigation
- Advising on relevant provisions of Oil & Gas statutes and regulations concerning environmental and administrative law.